21 Apr

Welcome enthusiasts! You have landed to the no. 1 platform for travel information and trip reservations to visit holy Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Thought about to be the holiest places of praise mainly for Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Bon faiths Mout Kailash and Lake Manasarovar are situated in the Tibet Autonomous Region in China.

Every year lots of thousand pilgrims visit Kailash Manasarovar for spiritual and experience functions. At a height of more than 5600 meter the Mount Kailash Yatra trek is considered to be a most difficult however most satisfying trek of Asia in terms of spiritual recovery and soul motivation. The Kailash Mansarovar Yatra trips are performed under difficult climatic conditions under extremely basic tourism facilities.

Considering that 2004 we are successfully arranging Kailash Mansarovar yatra tour plans and we provide Kailash Mansarovar Yatra by bus from Kathmandu, Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by helicopter from Kathmandu, Kailash Manasarovar Yatra from Lucknow and Nepalgunj, Kailash Yatra via Lhasa Tibet and lots of other paths and plans to visit this holy land.

Also Visit - http://www.swantour.com/kailash-mansarovar/kailash-mansarovar-by-helicopter.php

For our VIP travelers we provide personal trips to Kailash Manasarovar in chartered helicopter from Nepalgunj as well as Kailash Mansarovar fly in/ fly out trip through Ngari Gunsa airport. Other popular trips offered with us are Kailash Yatra Inner Kora, Kailash Trekking tours via Lhasa Tibet, Kailash Astapad darshan trip and Muktinath Temple darshan tour and so on are also among the popular Kailash Manasarovar trip packages.

Significance of Lake Mansarovar in various religions

Lake Manasarovar is culmination of Holy Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, making a round of Lake Manasarovar and bath at the lake is believed to abstain one from his sins of 100 years according to Hindu spiritual beliefs. However, there is more details is related to Lake Manasarovar around its place of area as well as its existence. At the location of the lake at South of Mount Kailash there are two lakes Manasarovar (Mapam Yumtso) and Rakshas Tal (Lhanag Tso). They are understood to be the highest bodies of fresh water in the world. Lake Manasarovar is situated at the height of 4558 meters just 15 meters above Rakshas Tal linked with a channel named "Ganga Chu". Both lakes are located around 10 kilometres apart.

It is said that when two golden fishes living in Manasarovar Lake start combating between them, the one that was losing the fight began running towards Rakshas Tal by digging the ground and therefore was Ganga Chu channel was formed. This channel likewise turned the salted water of Rakshas Tal to be the sweet one. Amongst the 2 lakes, Lake Mansarovar is thought about to worth more venerated in Hinduism and Budhism. Hindu Believe lake to a mental image initially developed in the brain of Lord Brahma whereas in Buddhism at this take Queen Maya the mom of Lord Buddha took bath prior to bring to life him.

A summary of Mount Kailash Inner Kora

Geographically, Mount Kailash is situated at the southwest corner of Ngari, the western province of Tibet. The Glacier right away listed below Mount Kailash dealing with to north is Ghangjam Glacier. An important point of reverence in Hinduism as well as Buddhism, in earlier time there were about four abbeys around Mount Kailash.

This parikrama consists of about 34 kms of strolling journey involving Asthapath, Nandi parvat, Atmalingam, Saptarishi cavern and Kuber kunda. The surface area as covered along the Kora Parikrama Route is mostly consisted of rock, crevices, snow and ice. There no other settlement exists here other than two small monasteries. The Kora or the Parikrama around Mt. Kailash begins and ends at Tarchen that is also referred to as Darchan in Tibet, a small short-term settlement at the base of the Mount Kailash.

On the first day of journey there is hiking to Asthapath and night at tented camp. From Asthapath one can check out Serlung monastery and can have a closer view of Mount Kailash from here. Next to it is visit to Atmalingam, Saptarishi Cave at second day of Inner Kora and over night at near Samtarishi Cave. After it happens the inner kailash kora of nandi parvat by crossing high pass in between Mount Kailash and Nandi Hill understood as Nandi La and Khandosalgam La and then one return back to Darchen by night.

Significance of Lake Mansarovar in various religious beliefs

Annual Kailash Mansarovar Yatra to be held at autonomous region of Tibet is a yearly pilgrim and has remarkable spiritual significance for Hindus, Buddhist and Jains. Lake Manasarovar is a freshwater lake in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China and is located around 940 kilometres far from Lhasa. Lake Mansarovar is situated around 4,590 meters above mean sea level.

Lake Manasarovar relatively is round in shape and has circumference of 88 kilometres and area of around 320 square kilometres. Lake Manasarovar has really much importance due to its proximity to sources of River Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Indus, and Ghaghara.

Also Visit - http://www.swantour.com/kailash-mansarovar/kailash-mansarovar-by-land.php

The name of the Lake "Manasarovara" has actually been stemmed from Sanskrit language words "Manas" and Sarovara" describing lake of mind. As believed in Hindu Mythology, Lake was very first formed in the mind of the Lord Brahma after that it happened on the Earth.

Hindu Faith with Kailash Mansarovar Yatra According to Hindu Belief, Lake Manasarovar is a representation of pureness and a course to absolute salvation. A sip of water from Lake Manasarovar would abstain one from sins devoted by him throughout a hundred lifetimes and let him for absolute stay at the residence of Shiva after death. Other pious region for what lake Mansarovar is revered for being location of origin for terrific rivers as Brahmaoutra, Ghaghara, Indus and Sutlej and has made Kailash Mansarovar a most revered area for pilgrims taking a trip to the place for thousand years. It is believed that Lake was very first formed in the mind of Lord Brahma and later emerged on the earth.

It is likewise known to be as "Manasa sarovaram", that is a combination of Sanskrit words "Mind" and "Lake". The lake is also known to be summertime residence of the hamsa (Swan). The hamsa is symbolic of knowledge and beauty. It is represented in Hinduism as the Supreme Spirit, Ultimate Reality or Brahman in Hinduism. The flight of the hamsa signifies moksha, the release from the cycle of samsara.

Buddhist Faith with Kailash Mansarovar Yatra: The Buddhists association with lake is associated with legendary Lake Anavatapta where Maya is thought to have actually developed Buddha. Due to this believe one can see a good number of monasteries on its coasts, the most acknowledged among them is ancient Chiu Monastery developed on slant of the hill, looking downward as it has actually been constructed out of the rock.

The lake has close recommendations in Buddhist literature as associated to teachings and stories. Buddha is likewise considered to remain and practiced meditation at these lake lots of times. Lake Manasarovar is also the related to the meditative Tibetan tradition, "The Jewel of Tibet".

Jainism Faith with Kailash Mansarovar Yatra: In Jainism, Lake Manasarovar is related to the very first Tirthankara, Rishabha. As mount Kailash understood to be as Meru Parvat or Sumeru in Jainism near to Ashtapada, the mountain next to Mt. Kailash, where the first Jain Tirthankara, Rishabhadeva, achieved Nirvana or moksa.

For more information Kailash Mansarovar Yatra package - http://www.swantour.com/kailash-mansarovar/

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